he club will be putting on a Special Event Station to celebrate Marconi Day on April 24th
The callsign we will be using is GB0GMD and we will be active over the weekend 23/24/25th April. Please look out for us. A special QSL card will be issued for a contact with this station
Hopefully operating times can be split over the two days Saturday/Sunday with each day split into 3 x 2hr slots. It will probably be a good idea to have 3 people per slot if we have the manpower.Operator, Logger and someone writing out QSL cards. Slots as below.
Hopefully operating times can be split over the two days Saturday/Sunday with each day split into 3 x 2hr slots. It will probably be a good idea to have 3 people per slot if we have the manpower.Operator, Logger and someone writing out QSL cards. Slots as below.
12pm -2pm